Sunday, September 30, 2007

Map used by permission of Columbia Games. Each rectangle is a regional map for the world of Harn. The only published maps are the Island of Harn (northwest corner), Ivinia (northeast of Harn), Shorkyne (south of Ivinia) and Trierzon (south of Shorkyne). Most country names and placenames are taken from Harn related materials sold by Columbia Games. Take a look at their website if you haven't ever checked out Harn. The above map doesn't show political boundaries but hopefully it will give you an idea of where most of the major players are generally located.

Project Outline for 19th Century Fictional Campaign, 1850-1880

The geographical basis for this fictional campaign is Columbia Games’ fantasy role-playing world, Harn. I have most of the products produced for Harn and although the settings contained in the game are Dark Ages/Feudal in nature and mostly centered on the island of Harn, I have adapted the information for use in this campaign. I will use all of the published regional maps and have extrapolated population densities based on the Shorkyne Regional Module.

I am using national characteristics and trade information contained within the Harnworld materials (as well as my own interpetations of the material) to provide a basis for economic strengths, weaknesses, and trading practices. Since this campaign will be centered on military action, the political and economic considerations will be kept as simple as possible. I will make many decisions for the different national entities based on my own common sense as well as historic decisions made in the 19th-century by actual countries in their dealings with their neighbors. I am also developing random events charts to provide an element of surprise even for myself.

Below is a list of the countries and colonies that make up my campaign world. I plan to contact Columbia Games to get permission to post a copy of the overall area involved so you can see where these countries are in relation to one another. I also plan on posting a number of small-scale, hex-based, black and white political maps. These will be hand-drawn reproductions of the larger, full-color regional maps I have now which are laminated. There are fairly large areas of frontier-type terrain with little population, hence the inclusion of indigenous peoples in the mix. It’s kind of cool it worked out that way because it allows me to include almost everything of interest to me in the 19th-century.

I. Western Lythia
A. The Kingdom of Trierzon (France, 1854-1870)
B. The Kingdom of Palithane (Austria, 1866)
C. The Kingdom of Emelrene (Russia, 1854)
D. The Kingdom of Shorkyne (Prussia, 1866-1870)
E. The Kingdom of Harbaal (United States, 1846)
F. The Kingdom of Ivinia (Britain, 1880-1890)
G. The Grand Duchy of Tharia (Austria, 1859)
H. The Grand Duchy of Netela (Sardinia, 1854-1859)
I. The Duchy of Falimae (Wurtemburg, 1870)
J. The Duchy of Vadone (Bavaria, 1870)
K. The Azeryan Empire (Mexico, 1846)
L. The Kingdom of Lankor (Indian Mutiny, 1857-58)
M. Ivinian Colony of Tarkain (Britain, 1880-1895)
M. Tribal Woodland and Plains Cultures (American Indians)

II. Island of Harn
A. Independent Kingdom of Kaldor (Britian, 1854)
B. Independent Kingdom of Coranan (Turkey, 1854 and Egypt, 1880)
C. Ivinian Colony of Orbaal (British Colonial India, 1880-1890)
D. Shorkinian Colony of Azedmere (Prussia, 1866-1870)
E. Trierzi Colony of Rethem (French Colonial Troops, 1854-1870 and Regular Sudanese Troops, 1880)
F. Palithane Colony of Evael (ACW Zouaves in Kepi)
G. Emel Colony of Melderyn (Russian, 1854)
H. Independent Repuplic of Chybisa (Boers, 1890)
I. Tribal Woodland/Mountain Cultures (Mahdists, Pathans and Zulus)

III. Continent of Hepekeria
A. Ivinian Colony of Korlua (Britain, 1880-1895)
B. Independent Principality of Menema (Imperial Chinese, 1900)
C. Tribal Desert Cultures (Mahdists and Arabs)

American Civil War figures, both Union and Confederate, will also show up as militias and volunteers as part of various armies to help increase the possible strengths of the field armies.

Obviously, I will not be able to field armies for every different entity initially. Only as I finish painting figures and send others out to painting services to be painted will some nations have the option to take the field. I may have to resort to using different colored base-sized counters to simulate some forces until I get things painted. This will make it possible to allow a more free-flowing campaign structure without as many limits on who can fight initially.

The first major campaign I envision occurring is between the Kingdoms of Trierzon and Palithane over possession of two provinces along their mutual border. This war will commence in 1850 and will see the Trierzi taking the part of the aggressor trying to regain land she lost to Palithane in an earlier conflict.

Some Thoughts on Nationalities and Strengths and Weaknesses

The real power in Western Lythia is the Azeryan Empire, but since it is not included in its entirety on the regional maps (only a small portion appears on the eastern edge of the Trierzon map), I don’t see it taking a large part in the overall campaign. The following population figures include those of any colonies controlled by the country.

Trierzon (Pop. 5,891,913)
The Kingdom of Trierzon is the most populous and powerful nation west of the Azeryan Empire. She has abundant natural resources, a good trade balance, and large surpluses of agricultural goods. She has a large merchant marine, capable of trading anywhere in Western Lythia and the Venarian Sea. Her ocean-going navy is large, well equipped and fairly well trained. She also has numerous steamboats plying her inland waterways, helping to maintain internal trade networks as well. Her rail network is large and well-maintained and in the event of war will provide a ready means of transport for the army.
The population of Trierzon is about 6 million so it is plenty large enough to field armies of several divisions and still maintain its economy. The army is well-equipped with modern weapons and her Royal Guard is seen by most professional military men as an elite force of all arms. She can also call on large numbers of militia and volunteers in time of war, ensuring her numerical superiority over any enemy. The rest of the nations west of Azeryan combined only come close to Trierzon’s population so I don’t see any one of them taking on Trierzon in a war of conquest. Maybe down the road there will be a war based on large multi-nation alliances, but the other nations are pretty far apart both politically and culturally. What will most likely happen is Trierzon attempting to throw her weight around and as long as she doesn’t try to conquer anyone outright, the other nations will sit by and try to play a Trierzi victory to their own advantage, either economically, politically, or geographically.

Palithane (Pop. 1,426,566)
Palithane has always maintained a strong warrior tradition. Culturally her people come from fierce Ivinian stock, and her independence has hinged on her ability to apply this warrior tradition to her military in more recent times. Her population is only about 1/4 the size of Trierzon, but the Azeryans have always been sympathetic and have helped Palithane maintain her independent status by making menacing moves on Trierzon’s eastern border. Palithane, although small, has responded by giving Azeryan the most favorable trade terms she can, and now that Palithane is the leading source for production of mercury in Western Lythia, and since most armies are moving toward percussion based firearms, she truly has a commodity that makes her a power to be respected and reckoned with. Trierzon would like nothing better then to capture her mercury-production centers, but only time will tell if this will ever become possible. She also has established a colony on the south coast of the Island of Harn, Evael, and has laid claim to the western part of Setha Heath. This is the region where Emelrene has discovered huge amounts of sulfur, used in the production of gunpowder. Palithane and Emelrene will probably go to war over Setha at some point in the future. If Palithane takes over the sulphur fields she could be in a position to conquer Emelrene and challenge Trierzon more directly in the future.

Shorkyne (Pop. 1,371,239)
Historically, Shorkyne has been the only other power in Western Lythia strong enough to fight Trierzon by herself and maintain her territorial integrity. With the breakup of the Old Kingdom of Shorkyne into several smaller kingdoms and duchies (see G, H, I, and J on the first list of countries above) and the Kingdom of Alagon, Shorkyne has been hard pressed several times to avoid being swamped by Trierzon’s greater strength. Geography has helped, but only the threat of an Azeryan attack from the east has prevented Trierzon from rolling north and west to complete the conquest of Western Lythia. Long-range Shorkynian strategy revolves around reconstituting the old kingdom. Then she will be in a better position to defend herself, whatever the situation. She may also try to take Hurisea and Chelemby from Harbaal if given a reasonable chance of success. While all of this is going on she must continue to expand her industrial base and railroad network. The riches provided by her colony of Azadmere will only help her in all her endeavors.

Ivinia (Pop. 1,252,011)
Ivinia has a large, well-trained navy and her land forces are mostly geared toward marine units and naval landing forces. She can also draw upon indigenous colonial troops to help in any land-based campaign, but since she is so far north her only potential land-based enemy is Harbaal, except in regards to colony defense. She has two far-flung colonies, Tarkain in the Gulf of Ederwyn off the coast of Trierzon, and more important economically, Korlua on the northern coast of Hepekeria. Tarkain is strategically placed to support naval operations in the Gulf and to resupply ships going to and from Korlua. Korlua is a major center for trade with the nomadic tribes of the steppe and desert of the Hepekerian interior. Korlua is also well positioned to garner a large share of the trade coming out of Menema further east. Ivinia does covet Shorkyne’s colony of Azadmere on the Island of Harn. There is much potential for conflict in that arena, since Ivinia’s colony of Orbaal is just to the north, and left unaided Azadmere might fall quickly, even though it is protected by coastal mountains, and has no real harbor for Ivinian ships to shelter in. Although difficult, Ivinia may think the risks are worth it since Azadmere has the richest gold, silver, and gem deposits in Western Lythia.

Emelrene (Pop. 941,273)
Emelrene’s strength lies in her position on the western coast of Lythia. Rivers and mountains protect her borders and her colony of Melderyn is across a very short stretch of water to the Islands of Harn. Emelrene, through Melderyn and Setha Heath, provides much of the sulphur used for gunpowder manufacture in Western Lythia. This keeps most everyone on relatively friendly terms with her, but could eventually be a cause for war. Historically she has been at odds with both Palithane and Shorkyne/Alagon. She covets the old Kingdom of Alagon and has an alliance with Netela to hopefully prevent Shorkyne from reuniting its two distinct parts. She also covets the Shorkyne colony of Azadmere (for reasons already mentioned under Ivinia). Control of Alagon would go a long way to preventing Shorkyne from coming to the aid of her colony if it was attacked from Emelrene’s colony of Melderyn to the south. The only land-based link she has with Netela is over a mountain trail, although there are plans to build a railroad over and through the mountains to enable rapid reinforcement of Netela if needed. Conflict with Shorkyne over Netela is likely in the future and unless the railroad is completed beforehand, Netela (at least the lowland parts) will likely fall and be reabsorbed by the Kingdom of Shorkyne. This would put Emelrene at a distinct disadvantage in any future war with Shorkyne over the colony of Azadmere.

Harbaal (Pop. 624,344)
Harbaal doesn’t have much to worry about from her neighbors to the north or south. A land-based campaign from Shorkyne is unlikely due to the intervening terrain (rivers, swamps and forests). Due to extensive area of swampland, there isn’t even one real road linking the two countries by land. Naval action is a possibility, however, since Harbaal occupies a commanding position on the Island of Chelemby at the mouth of the Gulf of Shorkyne. Harbaal’s eastern province of Hurisea is also somewhat vulnerable to a strike by Shorkyne up the Tirga River, but that sort of campaign would be difficult for the Shorkynian military to supply. Ivinia failed in its most recent attempt to reconquer the Harbaalese, although here again naval action and marine landings are possible. Ivinia has the strongest navy in Western Lythia so the danger is real, but not overwhelming. In most ways Ivinia seems content to let Harbaal go her own way. Harbaal has a relatively small regular army, but she does have a militia system that provides fairly well-trained volunteer forces on short notice. She also has a well-trained frontier constabulary to deal with attacks and ambushes by the Quarph in Hurisea. In short she is well-positioned to maintain her independence and possibly influence events in Shorkyne if given an opportunity.

Vadone (Pop. 228,400)
Vadone also was a part of Shorkyne that gained independence centuries ago, but she never ever truly left the Kingdom. Her military and economic policies have been entwined with Shorkyne’s almost from the very moment she became her own boss. Her army is relatively large (for a country her size), but sees itself as an adjunct to the Shorkynian army in time of war. Vadone doesn’t have much to fear from her neighbors. Shorkyne is to the north, Falimae is to the southwest and the Nadami Mountains protect her from Trierzon to the south. As long as she stays within Shorkyne’s sphere of influence she will be relatively safe. In the not so distant future she may even formally declare her reunification with Shorkyne. There really isn’t any reason for her not to at this point.

Tharia (Pop. 212,200)
Tharia used to be part of Shorkyne and the ancient capital of Shorkyne is the Tharian capital of Quarelin. The Tharian aristocracy decided on an independent course apart from Shorkyne centuries ago and became friendly with Palithane, but much of the Tharian working and peasant classes still think of themselves as Shorkynian. If blows were ever struck between the armed forces of Shorkyne and Palithane, Tharia would probably become a country torn by civil war very quickly. As long as Shorkyne and Palithane stay on equitable terms the danger is slight, but the movement to return to the Shorkyne fold is slowly growing mainly due to economic reasons. Tharia has no natural outlet to the Gulf of Shorkyne and her economy has suffered for years as a result. Also, if Palithane ever lost her northern province of Stalfore in a war with Trierzon, Tharia would be virtually cut off from her biggest supporter and ally. A return to Shorkyne could follow very quickly as a result. In effect Tharia is caught between several rocks and hard places. Only the future will tell what may come.

Netela (Pop. 176,900)
Netela is another area formerly controlled by Shorkyne in times past. She is very vulnerable with Alagon to the west, Shorkyne proper to the east, the Gulf of Shorkyne to the north, and mountains blocking communications with her only friend, Emelrene, to the south. Like Tharia, Netela’s working and peasant classes would probably welcome a return to Shorkyne rule although there is a large Emel minority in the mountainous regions to the south. The only thing really preventing this is relative Shorkynian weakness and Emelrene’s friendship and support. Shorkyne definitely has plans to reabsorb Netela in the future. One province, Loala, had to be ceded to Shorkyne in payment for her help in mediating a conflict with Tharia some years ago. It is just a matter of time before Shorkyne wants more.

Falimae (Pop. 63,000)
Little Falimae sits astride the natural invasion route between Trierzon and Shorkyne. How she has maintained her independence is hard for outsiders to fathom, but once an observer spends some time there the reasons become obvious. Basically, Falimae is a nation of warriors. She has had to be to survive. Her economy is an agricultural one, so she does not have trouble feeding her people. Her army is an all-volunteer force, but is relatively large (for a country her size), well-trained and ready for anything. She has some access to mineral resources, especially saltpeter, which gives her a positive trade balance with her neighbors and allows her to equip her armed forces with the most modern weapons. Falimaens know that there will be no retreat if they are attacked so they fight with a savageness that more civilized times have tended to dampen in other Western Lythian cultures. She has a military pact with Shorkyne and she will probably fall back into the fold eventually, but for now she is independent and will protect herself with a vengeance if provoked.

Azeryan (Pop. 18,000,000)
The Azeryan Empire has seen better times. Many former colonies and provinces have broken away over the years. Attacks from the natives of Quarphor and the steppe tribes of Reksyna have also weakened the Empire over the years. Although weakened, Azeryan continues to be the leading power in Western Lythia. She has abundant natural resources and skilled artisans. She also has begun to industrialize on a wide scale and has the largest railroad system of any nation in the West. Her armed forces are large, but are average in terms of training and weaponry. She can mobilize huge numbers of militia and volunteers if needed in time of war. One area of military strength is the frontier forces holding her eastern borderlands against the Reksynans. The frontier cavalry and light infantry can outmarch and outfight just about anybody. They are almost never moved from their border areas, except in small numbers. Azeryan still covets her former provinces of Lankor and Trierzon, but tribal pressures along her long border effectively prevent her from prosecuting an extended campaign of conquest of either nation. For the moment the Azeryans must bide their time and take advantage of any signs of weakness around them.

Lankor (Pop. 825,000)
Lankor was once a province of the Azeryan Empire, but she successfully broke away more than 200 years ago while the Empire was distracted by wars in the east. She has a culture based partially on her tribal origins, but she is very civilized in her politics, her foreign policy, and in her approach to military preparedness. Her army is well-trained and adequately equipped. She trades extensively with Shorkyne and Trierzon, but she must always be on guard against tribal incursions from the north and east as well as from Azeryan in the south. This has given her a somewhat paranoid foreign policy and she remains rather isolated and less industrialized as a result.

Coranan (Pop. 521,120)
At one time the Kingdom of Coranan controlled much of the island of Harn. Tribal attacks, internal strife, and pressure from western Lythians nations bent on colonization have resulted in a stunted, but very strong, nation-state. Coranan is rich in natural resources, has a skilled working class, and an enlightened leadership who realizes that backwardness will be the cause of Coranan’s downfall. Her army is numerous, well-trained, and equipped with modern weapons. She is self-sufficient in foodstuffs as well. Her strongest supporter on the mainland is Palithane, who provides military training and weaponry. The only real threat on the island is from the Trierzi colony of Rethem to the west, but unless Trierzon sent very large amounts of continental troops to reinforce her colonial forces, there is little chance Coranan would fall unless betrayed from within. Another historic enemy is the Kingdom of Kaldor and conflict over control of Lake Benath in the center of the island. A lake-bound naval campaign is a distinct possibility in the future. Overall, Coranan is a force to be reckoned with on the Island of Harn.

Kaldor (Pop. 192,163)
Kaldor is a former Ivinian colony that broke with her colonial master shortly after Harbaal won her independence from Ivinia. Relations between Kaldor and Ivinia were somewhat cool at first, but in recent years have become warm, and Ivinia supplies Kaldor’s military with arms and training. Kaldor is the breadbasket of the island and ships many tons of wheat and corn to the markets of western Lythia every year. Kaldor’s leadership would like to improve her position on the island by the conquest of Azadmere, but Shorkyne is sure to put up a fight to protect the wealthiest colony in the west.

Chybisa (Pop. 46,905)
The Republic of Chybisa was founded very soon after the Shorkynian colony of Azadmere. The people are a mixture of Kaldorians, Melderyni, and Shorkynians, all fierce individuals who left their homes looking for a place they could live as a free. They are ethnically diverse, but they are united in their belief in the freedoms they have come to see as their right. They produce surpluses in food, and have claimed part of Setha Heath where Emelrene is collecting huge amounts of sulfur for the manufacture of gunpowder. They will only be able to maintain their independence by force of arms, and their most likely protagonists would be either Kaldor or Emelrene/Melderyn. She has instituted universal military service in the militia for all males 15 to 60 years of age. She has a small, well-trained, and well-equipped regular force of infantry and artillery as well. Even with these precautions she will only be able to count on about 10,000 able bodied men in a crisis. Kaldor’s regular army alone has about 30,000 men of all arms, and Emelrene/Melderyn could field a similar number, but probably couldn’t due to continental threats. Therefore, Emelrene would probably try to conquer Chybisa with some colonial regulars and native horsemen, maybe 10,000 in all. Chybisa rightly sees Kaldor as the real threat and is trying to take steps to reduce that threat as much as possible by signing treaties of mutual friendship with as many local native tribes as possible.

Menema (Pop. 1,500,000)
Menema is an ancient culture and this is reflected in her arts and sciences. She is located on heavily traveled sea routes and enjoys a significant trade surplus. Her navy is capable, although a bit outdated, but her merchant marine fleet is modern and efficient. Her army is numerous and fairly well equipped with modern weapons, but its training and leadership is suspect. She receives some military assistance from Azeryan, although it is unclear why, since she was once an Azeryan province. It may be that Azeryan realizes that an overseas empire is beyond her grasp, but she can use all the friends she can get if she wants to regain some of her former land-based provinces that are now independent. Menema has no wish to be on anything but good terms with her former master since Trierzon, Palithane, Ivinia, and possibly Emelrene would only be too glad to establish another wealthy colony to help support their economies. As far as her own ambitions are concerned, Menema would like to take Korlua away from the Ivinians if possible and become the only power on the north coast of Hepekeria.

1 comment:

Dave Gamer said...

OK, this is very interesting. I have a lot of 15mm ACW and FPW I've been remounting for the Piquet:Field of Battle rules. I'm starting to warm to the idea of fictional countries based on historical ones. That way you can keep history with respect to uniform colors and weaponry, but you can go wild with your own scenarios and non-historical matchups. You can also skew the army composition however you choose. I like the late 19th century European era but I also like cavalry (which was on the wane). So you could base an army on American Civil war armies but put lots more cavalry in them and actually have cavalry battles. You could also pull in the Gatling guns to compete with the French Mitrailleuse.

I sold of my Harn stuff but I probably have other "pre-made" worlds from old RPG and play-by-(snail)mail games I could use. Hmmmm...