Friday, October 5, 2007

Here are some french 12# guns with foot crew.
Here are some French 4# guns with foot crew.

Close-up of a French Republican 8# gun (one of my Minfig ACW Napoleons)

Another angle of the French 4# guns.

Here are some 15mm Old Glory Franco-Prussian War French artillery images. Each pack comes with 2x12# guns and 4x4# guns and 24 crew figures. I base my guns with only two crew, so I have 12 more crew painted and based, but without guns for the moment. I will probably order some guns from Minifigs to make up the difference.
I enjoyed painting these very much. I believe they are the best 15mm FPW figures on the market today and really capture the flavor of the period. I do wish Old Glory would add a pack of French horse artillery to the line. I don't think just painting gaiters black would be sufficient to show the differences in uniform. In the end I will make do as I always do in these situations. Outpost Wargames Services do a pack of horse artillery crew, but from the images I have seen on their website I'm not all that fond of how they modeled the French kepi. The Old Glory figures are great in that regard. I need to order some Minifig crew and see what they are like.

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