Monday, October 22, 2007

Here are the poses and the numbers of each I just finished painting of the 15mm Old Glory Franco-Prussian War French Line Infantry Advancing pack. The numbers below each pose are the number of that pose I had from two different packs of figs (50 figs each pack). Honestly, I do wish Old Glory would make the disctribution of each pose a little more equal. Otherwise, I really enjoyed painting these and I do very much appreciate the variety of poses. These figures aren't based yet, they are just free standing on some metal bases so I could show you the poses.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Here are two units of French troops from the Crimean War. Both are 15mm Minifigs. The first is their line infantry pack and the second is the Chasseurs a' Pied pack. Both will become part of the Royal Guard of Trierzon in my fictional 19th-century campaign. I plan to use Franco-Prussian War French as line troops in the Royal Trierzon Army and Crimean War French for the Royal Guard.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Here are some french 12# guns with foot crew.
Here are some French 4# guns with foot crew.

Close-up of a French Republican 8# gun (one of my Minfig ACW Napoleons)

Another angle of the French 4# guns.

Here are some 15mm Old Glory Franco-Prussian War French artillery images. Each pack comes with 2x12# guns and 4x4# guns and 24 crew figures. I base my guns with only two crew, so I have 12 more crew painted and based, but without guns for the moment. I will probably order some guns from Minifigs to make up the difference.
I enjoyed painting these very much. I believe they are the best 15mm FPW figures on the market today and really capture the flavor of the period. I do wish Old Glory would add a pack of French horse artillery to the line. I don't think just painting gaiters black would be sufficient to show the differences in uniform. In the end I will make do as I always do in these situations. Outpost Wargames Services do a pack of horse artillery crew, but from the images I have seen on their website I'm not all that fond of how they modeled the French kepi. The Old Glory figures are great in that regard. I need to order some Minifig crew and see what they are like.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Royal Army of Trierzon: Forces upon initial mobilization for war

Line Infantry Formations:
1st – 20th Line Infantry Regiments (1800 men each/9 stands)
1st – 8th Chasseur a’ Pied Battalions (800 men each/4 stands)
1st – 4th Infanterie de la Marine Regiments (1800 men each/9 stands)
1st & 2nd Fusilier Marine Regiments (1200 men each/6 stands)
1st – 4th Garde Nationale Regiments (1200 men each/6 stands)
1st – 4th Equani Rifle Regiments (1800 men each/9 stands)
1st – 4th Tirailleurs d’Rethemi Infantry Regiments (1800 men each/9 stands)
1st & 2nd Kubora Infantry Regiments (1600 men each/8 stands)
1st & 2nd Foreign Legion Infantry Regiments (1600 men each/8 stands)
1st – 15th Garde Territorial Infantry Regiments (1600 men each/8 stands)

Line Cavalry Formations (800 men each/4 stands):
1st & 2nd Dragoon Regiments
1st & 2nd Lancer Regiments
1st & 2nd Chasseurs a’ Cheval Regiments
1st & 2nd Hussar Regiments
1st & 2nd Chasseurs d’Harn Cavalry Regiments
1st & 2nd Kubora Cavalry Regiments
1st & 2nd Cuirassier Regiments
1st – 8th Territorial Cavalry Regiments

Line Artillery Formations (8 guns/200 men per battery/1 stands):
1st – 4th Batteries, 1st Field Artillery Regiment
1st – 4th Batteries, 2nd Field Artillery Regiment
1st – 6th Batteries, Horse Artillery Regiment
1st – 4th Batteries, Heavy Artillery Regiment
1st – 6th Batteries, Reserve Field Artillery Regiment
1st – 4th Batteries, Naval Field Artillery
1st – 15th Batteries, Territorial Artillery

Royal Guard Infantry Formations (1600 men each/8 stands):
Guard Grenadier Regiment
Guard Fusilier Regiment
Guard Chasseur Regiment
Guard Voltiguer Regiment
Guard Equani Regiment
Guard Fusilier Marine Regiment

Royal Guard Cavalry Formations (800 men each/4 stands):
Guard Chasseur a’ Cheval Regiment
Guard Hussar Regiment
Guard Cuirassier Regiment
Guard Carabinier Regiment

Royal Guard Artillery Formations (8 guns/200 men per battery/1 stand):
1st – 4th Batteries (Field), Guard Artillery Regiment
5th & 6th Batteries (Horse), Guard Artillery Regiment

War plans call for the formation of the line troops into two army corps with supporting cavalry, the Royal Guard into a corps-sized formation, and reserves and garrison troops numbering over 80,000 men.

Initial wartime strength will top out at:
Infantry: 111,200
Cavalry: 20,800
Artillery: 392 guns/9800 men

Royal Army of Palithane: Forces upon initial mobilization for war

Infantry Formations:
1st – 12th Infantry Regiments (3200 men each/16 stands)
1st – 8th Jaeger Battalions (800 men each/4 stands)
1st – 4th Frontier Infantry Regiments (1600 men each/8 stands)
1st – 4th Mountain Infantry Battalions (800 men each/4 stands)
1st – 12th Territorial Militia Infantry Regiments (2000 men each/10 stands)

Cavalry Formations (800 men each/4 stands):
1st – 4th Hussar Regiments
1st – 4th Dragoon Regiments
1st & 2nd Uhlan Regiments
1st – 4th Cuirassier Regiments
1st & 2nd Reserve Dragoon Regiments

Artillery Formations (8 guns/200 men per battery/1 stand):
A – F Batteries, 1st Artillery Regiment
A, B, D, & E Batteries (Heavy), 2nd Artillery Regiment
C & F Batteries (Horse), 2nd Artillery Regiment
A – F Batteries, 3rd Artillery Regiment
A – D Batteries (Horse), 4th Artillery Regiment
E & F Batteries (Heavy), 4th Artillery Regiment
A – F Batteries, Reserve Artillery Regiment
1st – 12th Territorial Reserve Artillery Batteries

War plans call for the formation of two army corps with supporting cavalry, and reserves and garrison troops numbering close to 48,000 men that could be formed into another field corps.

Initial wartime strength will top out at:
Infantry: 78,400
Cavalry: 12,800
Artillery: 336 guns/8400 men

Both nations also possess numerous fortifications (inland and coastal) that contain heavy guns and heavy artillery crews. Heavy siege artillery batteries are also not included with the above totals. These will be dealt with at a later time. The above orders of battle are a snapshot of what is/could be available to the mobile field armies upon initial mobilization.

Both nations also have naval forces, both ocean going and riverine, that will be included in the campaign.